A science-informed approach to
improving the lives of Calgarians.
9,293 active clients
155 team members
1,085 volunteers
$17 million in revenue
A staggering 1 in 10 Calgarians are living in poverty and across Canada, the number reaches nearly five million.
Strong, supportive and inclusive communities are essential for building resilience and creating lasting change in our neigbourhoods – and that is something that requires each and every one of us to be involved.
When a client engages with CUPS, they are welcomed by a team.
We blend the expertise of a multidisciplinary team of care-coordinators, clinicians, specialists, educators and counsellors and engage with our external partners to create a custom care plan that is suited specifically for the complex needs of that person’s story.
This is Integrated Care.
And it means working together as a community to address the big picture of building resilience so we can improve outcomes for Calgarians for generations to come.

Over the last year, our comprehensive, integrated care approach made a big impact in our community.

Why Integrated Care?
Every client has a different story*.
A pregnant teen is lost and alone.
A single man struggling to find a home.
A young adult with custody of a sibling.
A mom of two young girls, recently moved to Calgary from Brazil.
Their stories are unique, personal and complex, requiring comprehensive supports.
*In order to protect client confidentiality, some of the identifying details have been changed.

Letter from our Leaders
“In light of the continued human and financial toll of the COVID-19 pandemic, the power of community has never been stronger, and we look back on this last year inspired by your commitment and generosity.”
Continuing services for those who needed it most.
On March 11, 2020, CUPS began a comprehensive crisis response to the Coronavirus pandemic with staff working around the clock to ensure there wasn’t a gap in support services for those who needed it most.
Our health team worked in collaboration with many community partners, including The Alex, Calgary Homeless Foundation, Alberta Health Services, HomeSpace and the Government of Alberta, to operate a self-isolation site for the city’s vulnerable population.
Our teaching staff at the Child Development Centre immediately transitioned to virtual classrooms, without missing a day.
Our health professionals kept CUPS’ clinics open for urgent needs, while other care was provided online.
All family programming shifted to a virtual format, allowing continuous engagement from participants
We have learned new ways to connect with clients and many of those methods will be maintained as we move forward through 2020 and onward.

Working to change the Narrative
While the mission is straightforward, the application is not so simple.
That’s why we rely on Brain Science to guide our operations and how we work with clients — and why 100% of CUPS employees are Brain Story Certified.
Guided by our strategic plan, CUPS is developing and delivering evidence-based integrated care.
Together with our partners, we are reducing the barriers for those seeking help.

Making an impact takes a community.
“One agency cannot do it all; partnerships are critical. It takes a community to support people.”
Collaborating with a community of researchers, partners, donors and volunteers.
CUPS is leading the way in Canada, applying an evidence-based, integrated care approach based on brain science.
As the community evolves, so does the demand for our services and the importance for agencies to work together to support the changing needs. Through the sharing of best practices, key learnings and inviting opportunities for collaboration, CUPS and its many stakeholders and partners can motivate action and build lasting, positive change for vulnerable people and the community at large.
Dr. Letourneau who holds the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation Research Chair is continuing studies on Reflective Functioning at CUPS and other partner sites.
The ATTACH™ program improves parenting quality and child development by helping create a stable environment for parents and their children to learn and grow together. We have access to an extensive library of well validated tools, mentorship in taking community intervention programs for children to scale, and the opportunity to learn from and share the results with the international community.
Volunteers helped in every aspect of our impact, from client serving roles to admin support.
1,085 volunteers spent thousands of hours with CUPS throughout the year.
Individuals, corporate teams and community groups donated their time and talent to ensure our most vulnerable community members are supported.

2020 Bruce Covernton Community Service Award recipient:
Ann Bright
It’s people like Ann Bright who build up our community to be better. Ann started volunteering at CUPS 21-years ago as a receptionist and is now affectionately known as the Baby Bundle Lady for the work she does each and every year to ensure moms and their newborn babies have the essentials they need.
Together, we make a greater impact in the community.
Thank you.
You are our partner in the work we’re doing to help individuals and families.
You are helping them get to the root of their problems, remove sources of stress and add positive factors to build resilience in all areas of their lives.
We are empowering people to feel strong and confident, to learn and grow as individuals and family members.
Over the last year, you contributed more than $2 million, not to mention more than one thousand volunteers saving CUPS an astounding $30,000 in staff costs.
Your time and resources directly supported people like Dalila, who has two daughters in the Child Development Centre.